1920 Drinks by Jacques Straub



Jenks Cocktail Dry Martini with one dash benedictine. Jersey Cocktail 2 dashes syrup. 1 jigger apple brandy. 2 dashes Angostura bitters. Jersey Lily Cocktail Martini with mint sprigs. Jim Lee Cocktail

2 dashes Peychaud bitters. 2 dashes Angostura bitters. V2 jigger dry gin. % jigger French vermouth. "!4 jigger Italian vermouth.

Shake. Jockey Club Cocktail

Same as Gin Cocktail.

John Cocktail

% jigger Italian vermouth. % jigger French vermouth. Vs jigger gin. White of one egg.

Shake well. Judge Cocktail

% jigger rye whiskey. % jigger apricot brandy. Shake. Junkins Cocktail y± jigger Italian vermouth. % jigger dry gin or rye whiskey in small whis- key glass. Small piece of ice. Lemon peel. Small spoon. Kentucky Colonel Cocktail X A jigger benedictine. % jigger bourbon. 1 piece of lemon peel. Stir well and serve in an old style glass. Leonora Coqktail

*/i jigger orange juice. % jigger raspberry syrup. V2 jigger dry gin. Serve. % jigger French vermouth. % jigger dry gin. Shake. % jigger Italian vermouth. % jigger rye whiskey. 1 dash Amer Picon. Stir.

Lewis Cocktail

Liberal Cocktail

Loftus Cocktail

Same as Duchess Cocktail.

Made with