1920 Drinks by Jacques Straub



Virgin Cocktail

V2 jigger dry gin. % jigger Italian vermouth. 2 dashes raspberry syrup. 2 dashes Angostura bitters. % jigger rye whiskey. % jigger Italian vermouth. % jigger absinthe. 2 dashes orange bitters.


Waldorf Cocktail

Shake. Waldorf Special

Juice of one lime. 1 jigger apricotine. Shake thoroughly and serve in cocktail glass. Waldorf Queen's 2 slices pineapple moddled. % jigger dry gin.

% jigger French vermouth. % jigger Italian vermouth. Small piece of orange. Frappe well. Strain into % jigger Italian vermouth. % jigger apple brandy. V2 pony yellow chartreuse. % jigger Tom gin. 2 dashes Angostura bitters. % jigger French vermouth. 2 lemon peels. Shake. % jigger Italian vermouth. % jigger dry gin. White of egg. Shake well. serve. 1 barspoon sugar. % jigger lemon juice. 3 dashes Angostura bitters. 3 dashes raspberry syrup. 1 jigger St. Croix rum. % jigger absinthe. % jigger anisette. Shake well. Whiskey Cocktail 2 dashes Angostura bitters. 1 small lump of sugar. 1 jigger bourbon. Piece of lemon peel. Waxen Cocktail




West India Cocktail

White Elephant Cocktail

White Lion Cocktail

Shake well.

White Rat Cocktail

Made with