1920 Drinks by Jacques Straub



MISCELLANEOUS Absinthe Drip 1 pony absinthe in large glass. Fill drip glass with fine ice and a jigger of plain water. Let drip into absinthe, then pour into iced glass. Ale Sangaree Fill glass with ale. 1 barspoonful powdered sugar. Stir gently. Grated nutmeg on top. Amer Pigon Pouffle % jigger Amer Pic.on. ^4 jigger grenadine syrup. 1 white of egg. Shake, strain and fill glass with siphon. Ammonia and Seltzer About ten drops of spirits of ammonia aromatic. Put into a small glass of seltzer. Stir well. Angel Blush % maraschino.

1 creme Yvette. % benedictine. % cream on top. % maraschino. % crenre Yvette. % creme on top. % benedictine. % cream on top. % maraschino. % cream on top.

Angel Dream

Angel Kiss

Angel Tip

Angostura Phosphate USE A PHOSPHATE GLASS

% teaspoonful acid phosphate. 1 teaspoonful Angostura bitters. 2 tablespoonfuls lemon syrup, or

of %


lemon well sweetened.

Fill glass with carbonic


Angostura Ginger Ale

1 glass ginger ale. 3 dashes Angostura bitters. Appetizer Four dashes absinthe. % jigger dry gin. % jigger French or Italian vermouth. Use Delmonico glass and add little seltzer. Shake well.

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