1920 Drinks by Jacques Straub



marked on cork and label.

The best vintages

in recent years are:

1864, 1865, 1869, 1874, 1884,

1887, 1893, 1899, 1904. Rhine Wines

Rhine and Moselle wines have in late years greatly gained in favor, and when the qualities and fineness of these wines are taken into con- sideration, their increased popularity is well de- served. Rhine wines have great fragrance and vinosity and are pre-eminently the wines most suitable for intellectual enjoyment, as they are particu- larly exhilarating and increase the appetite. Being of light alcoholic strength, but rich in volatile ethers, they are exceedingly efficacious, and do not (like clarets) so quickly spoil after opening. The finer qualities widely differ in flavor, and being rich in ethers are much valued as a stimu- lant in sustaining the nervous force of the heart while its enfeebled muscular tissue recuperates. For serious nervous prostration their value as a remedy can hardly be overestimated, their beneficial effects being strikingly exhibited in bringing back a stronger and steadier heart beat, thus calming any attendant irritability which is of the utmost importance to the patient. Moselle Winei Moselle wines are of a quit? distinct char- acter, fine, of a grape flavor, very light and deli- cate, decidedly fruity and known to be a most wholesome and refreshing beverage. The finest growth of the Moselle and its tributary, the River Saar, are Scharzhofberger, Scharzberger, Berncasteler Doctor, Brauneberger, Josephshofer, etc., all widely known for their most delicate bouquet. Moselle as a highly etheral wine is also very useful in cases of cerebral and cardiac exhaus- tion; it stimulates the action of the liver and kidneys, and is generally credited with being

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