1914 the Art of Mixing Them by A Connoisseur


Milk Punch. (A large bar glass.) yi glass of fine ice; % tablespoon of sugar; 1 wineglass of brandy; 1 wineglass of St. Croix rum; Vz wineglass of Jamaica rum; fill up with fresh milk. Mix well together, strain, and serve with a little nutmeg on top. Milk Shake. Fill mixing glass full fine ice; 1 tablespoon- ful of sugar; 1 egg. Fill glass with milk, shake well and strain into lemonade glass, grate a lit tle nutmeg on top and serve. Mint Julep. (A large bar glass.) 1 tablespoon of sugar, dissolve in Vs wineglass of water; 3 or 4 sprigs of mint, which you press well in the sugar and water to extract the flavor, then add IVz wine glasses of brandy, after which withdraw the mint and stir the ingredients well; then fill glass with fine ice and insert the mint again, stems down ward, leaves above. Dress tastily with fruits in season. Give a dash of Jamaica rum, a sprinkle of white sugar, and serve with a straw placed across top of glass. Missippi Punch. (A large bar glass.) 1 tablespoon of sugar, .dissolved in % wineglass of water; 2 or 8 dashes of lemon juice; wineglass of Bourbon whisky; i/o wineglass of Jamaica rum; 1 wineglass of brandy; fill goblet with fine ice. Dress top with pieces of orange, pineapple, etc.


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