1914 the Art of Mixing Them by A Connoisseur


Care of the Tapping Devices, Hoses and Colls. Beer and ale are very susceptible to foreign odors and tastes. This must always be borne in mind. An unclean condition of the tapping devices, hoses or coils may not only affect the fine taste and flavor of the beer or ale, but also impair the brilliancy, so that floating particles will be notice able therein. For these reasons it is absolutely necessary to keep them in the properly clean con dition at all times. The tapping device and rods should be cleaned each time after removing them from the empty package by thoroughly brushing with suitable brushes, one of which should be a long handled wire bristle brush, using a hot soda solution when so doing. They must then be flushed thoroughly with clean water, and after this, should be suspended on a clean hook or rack, so that they drain and dry. Coils and hoses should be filled once a week with a hot solution made by dissolving % pound of soda lye (caustic soda) in five gallons of boiling water. This solution is allowed to remain therein over night. On the following morning the coils and hoses are flushed thoroughly with hot and then cold water. If too strong a soda solution is used, and If it is allowed to remain in the pipes too long, the first beer passing through the newly cleaned pipes, or if beer is allowed to stand therein for an hour or longer, may be slightly hazy, due to the effect of metal. The occurrence of such a haziness, however, is of comparatively short dura tion, and the beer will then flow clear. Drawing off Beer and Ale. The refreshing taste and sparkling appearance of beer and ale are due to the carbonic acid gas which these products contain. If the latter is al lowed to escape, they become flat, stale and un- palatable. In order to retain the carbonic acid gas in the beer or ale when they are drawn -from the package, either air or carbonic acid gas pressure generally is employed. When using air, the air is compressed by means of a hand pump or a pump driven by either water or electric power. Car bonic acid gas pressure is obtained from the liquid carbonic acid gas contained in steel drums. If air pressure is employed, the precaution must be observed that only pure, clean air is compressed. There have been numerous Instances where foul

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