1916 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul


21-BRANDY PUNCH. L. D Fill a half-pint tumbler with chipped ice; put in a, t eas poonfu l of powdered s uga r; squ eeze half a lemon in ; add a wine-gla~sful of brand~-; shake 11·ell , p lace a sli ce of lemon on the top , and serve 11·ith stra'L . 22-BllANDY SCAFFA. .S. D. Take a lung t hin liq11 e11r g lass; put iu half a lirp1e ur-g lassful of bra11d.r a11d half of mara– ~ehin o ; udd two da shes of A11gust11ra. bitters Ull iup. 23- JJlL\NDY ,'OUR. S. D. i::la 111e as No. 69, subst ituting brn11dy fur giu. 24-BRANDY SKIN. S. D. Fi ll tumb le r with chipped ice; put in a te-a– spoonful ol' powdered sugar ; squee~,c in h a lf a lemon; add a teaspoonful of stni11·berry syrup and ha.If a 11·ineg lrt ssful of brandy ; t he 11 pare half a lemon (sa me as n11 apple) nncl put in wine glass; shak e well and strain off.

25-BHAi\DY SLLNG . L. D. Sa rne as :\u. 67, s ubstit11ti11g bra 11c1.v for gi11.

26-BRANDY Si\L\ SH. L. D . Tl1is beverage is a jule p on n small scale. Use a hnlf-pi11t t 11111hl (• r, whid1 fil l 11·ith chipped iee ; pn t i11 a tab l e~ poonfnl of p o11·dcrcf mint. same as in ·Mint Julep ; place a piece of orange peel on top , a ncl ur na 111c11t with fruit i11 scaso11 .


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