1916 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul


39-CFTAHLIE PAUL'S OWN DECANTER BITTERS. Take a large bottle or deca 11ter and put in qunrter-pound of rnisins, two ounc~s cinnamon . one oun ce sn a kf' roo t . Ollf' le mon nnrl one ora11~e r: ll ~ in sli ces . one. OUll Ce cloves, one Ounce nil– ~p1 ce, and fill with Snntn C rn z rum , :u1d n '– mnin nntil it su it s the palate; t he n decant nnd fill up aga in "· itl1 t he rnm . To be kept i11 hottles and se rYPd in pan ~· gln sse~. 40-CHll'\ESE COCKTAJL . S. D . Fi ll t he tumb le r "·i t h chi pped ice; pu t in hnll' a teaspoonful of powde red s ug ar ; add thr€'e or four drops of .·\ngosturn hitte rs :w cl l1alf a win e-glassful of brandy, s hake 11·ell and strain off into an ordinar~· "·in e glass. putt in g a snrnll pif'f'f' of lemon peel on top~ 41- CLAHJ<:T CUP . L . D . F ill half-pmt tumble r '' it h chipped ice; put in a teas poonful of powder ed s ug ar, and squeeze· half a lemon in: add hnlf a lique ur-glassful of f' nrnc;oa a nd n gla ss of cla ret: fill up with soda \\"ate1· ; orname nt with frui ts in season and se rve wit h straws. 42-CLAHET CUP A LA T,OJ:rn SALTOUN. Take a small punch bowl ; peel t he rind off one lemon, add a. tablespoonfol of powde red s ugar, pour upon 1t a gla ss of· ~d1e rry a 11d a hottle of cl aret and sweeten to t aste ; add a s prig of' verbena nml n bottle of snch1 water : st rain nnd ice it 11·011 , :iml sC' r\"e with nn t rrn'lg.

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