1916 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul


88-LE:\fONADE ll'OH

I'.\ H 'J.'JER.

(About a Gallon .) 'l'ake t he rind of e ig ht ·lemons an d rub wit l1 Lll"o pounds of' s uga r to exfraet Lhc oil , \\·hi cb i ~ :ill to be pu t in a largC' p11 nr-h bmd ; add t he juice of t welve lemon s, :111 rl p n11r bo iling " ·atP 1· river all, and . when 1pixcd ~ l r:iin t hroug h 1nusliu · whe 11 cold r en.d_,. for 11s1•. Thi :> f':l n hC' i rnprov~d b;v :idclin g t l1t• 11· hil ··~ nf fo11r egg~ heate11 11p i11 it.

89-LE !llOJ\ :::i(JLJA1-l ll. L.:D. (A Yer.v eool a nd re frcs lii11 g d rink .)

Take a soda \\-;ite1· gla ss a11Ll fi ll "·it h cl1ipped ice; squeeze a 11·hole lo1n o11 in ; add o ne a 11d n half teaspoonfuls of po,nl or ccl s 11ga 1·; fill up t l1 e crlass with soda 11·ate r ; stir we ll wi t h spoon ; ~r11 ament 11-it h fruit s in se nso n :111cl se r ve " ·it h s Lraws . 90-LIVENEH. S . D. Fi ll tu mble r wi t h chipped ice ; pu t in t wo or t hree drops of Angostu r a bitte 1·s, t wo or three drops of lemon juice; add a t e a spoonfu I of ra sp– berry syrup , a liqu eur-gla ss ful of bra ndy, h a lf a glassful of champagne; t he n st ir wel l wi t h large spoo n a nd str a in off in to a pon>· t umbl e r ; p ut a piece of lemon on top. 91-LOCOMOTlVE . S . D . F ill the tumble r with chipp ed, ice; put in a teaspoonful of sugar, th e yolk of an egg, h a lf a liqueur-glassful of cunu;:oa, two or t hree drops of essen ce of cloves, one wine-g lassful of Bur– gundy; and stra in off into a n ordinary wine g lass.

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