1916 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul

107- 0"LD CHUM ' R RE \"l VEIL L. U. Fill a h alf-pint t umbler with c hipped ice : squeeze half a lemon in ; a dd h alf a teaspoonful ot su g a r , on e lique ur-glassful of st rm1·berry syrup., a nd half a wine -glassful of bra ndy; fill up with soda 11·ater ; p lace slice of lemon cin top and serve with straws . 108-0RGEAT LEMON.ADE. L. D. Use a large sod a glass one-third full of ice : ad d a tabl es poonful of powdered suga r , hal f a wrne-glassful of orgcat sy rup , juice of half a lemon; fill up 11·it h wate r ; sh a ke 11·ell ; orname nt wi t h fruit i11 seaso n :rnd ser ve 11·ith straws . 110·- l'rCK-l\IE- ·p, OR BR.ACER. L. D. U se a larg;e soda 11·ate r glass, which h a.If fill w1tli chi pped ice; squeeze a 11·li ole lemon in ; add ~inl f teas poonful of Angost ura bitters; t h.en pour 111 a bottle of seltze r water ; s t ir well with long spoon a nd se r\"e wi t h .·tra1\"S. 111-1'.L N l~"'\.PPI , I•: .lliL EP. L. D. Take a s 111 all bowl ll'itli aliuut u puu11

109-PEACH lmANDY AND l:IONEY. S. D. Same a s ~o. 122, s11hs t it n t i11g p oach brand~fo r r um.

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