1916 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul


sol vc two po u nds of s ugar i 11 t he ju ice of teu lemons :i nd two sweet or anges, wh ich str ain into the bowl , a 11cl add the rind of a n orange, and , hy degrees, th e whites of te 11 eggs, beaten pre- 1·io11sl.1· np to ;1 froth: pl:i.ce 011 ice fo r a 11"11ile, t·l1 e 11 ~t ir hri skl .1· and sen ·e i11 goblets. IWCI\ Y i\ fll lll\"T :\T" " PUNCH. T,. D. 'l':Lkc a 1:1 rgc ~nrl:i wate r g lass and fill witl1 .. hipped ice: put. in :1 te::ispoonfnl of sugar and s<111 ceze half a lt-111011 in ; add h nlf a liqueur– g lassfu l of 111 :ir:tH·hin o and n liqueu r glass of rum ; s halrn well: fill 11 p 11·it h chnrnpagne; de– r·oratc with fruits in seasn11 and clash the top 11·itli claret; t hen build 11p a p~·ramid 11·ith t he 11·his ketl 11·h ite of ::in egg; da sh t he top 11·ith claret or A ngos tu r a bi tte rs and serve wi t h straws. PU.KOH. L. D . . T:ike n l1 a lf-p in t t 11111bler and fill with chipped ice; p ut i11 a. t easpoonful of powdered sugn r. t he .'"olk of an egg, and a liqu e ur-gla ssful of brancl:v ; fi ll up t he tumbl er with cof(; no ir ; shake well ; t he n pn t a li ttle colon recl suga r on top and serve 1dt h straws. 121-ROYAL AQUAlUUM: PUNCH. Take a larrre punch bowl; put in t he yolks of six eggs :rncl lialf pound of powder ed su~pr; mix th is well : be at up t he whites of · tne eggs separ ately and then m ix in t he bowl ; acid one w in e-glassfu l of curai;:oa, a bottle of brandy, a ditto of rum, two quarts of new milk , t hree bottles of soda water; mix 11·ell together ; you will ha vc sufficient to supply a p a rty of twenty– ftvc. :11 !1 120- HOYAL Al~UAHlUl\[ COFFEE

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