1916 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul


122-RL\l .-\ND HO:\EY. R. D . Take a 11·i11 c g l:1ss : put i11 :1 s111:1ll p i1•1·L· or in~ : add a tcaspoo11f'ul of Hourl1011 l11111 L·.'·: fill Ill' gl:iss wi t h rum ; st ir \\· e ll 11·ill1 spoo n am1 pl:1 ce sli<·c of lc rnon 011 top.

123- lt ll•: COCK TA lT.. S. D. 8:1111 c :is No. 12. s11bstit11ti11g r_,·c \l·hi skL·.'· for hra11Lly .

124-RYE WHISKEY SKJN. S. n. Same as No. 24 . s11hst it11ti11 g r.Y<' whi'I"'~· f'or hrn11d y.

125-IlYE 801.:H. R. D . Same as No. 69 , snbst it11 i i11 g rye \rhiskc~· for g i n.

126-SAM \\· .\.RD . 8 . D . Fill a t umbler with chipped il'c: put 111 t hree 01· four drops of An gos t 11 ra hi tte rs, :1 good liq ne nr glass of green d1a rtre11sc : sh a kc we ll and strai n off . 127-SANTA CRUZ RUM DATSY. S. D. Take ha.If-pint tumbler half full of chipped ice; add three or fou r dashes of gum syrup , two or three da.shes of maraschino or cura<;:oa, the .iuice of ha.lf a lemon, a. wine-glassfu l of Santa Cruz ruin ; shake thoroughly and strain into a large cocktail glass and fill up with seltzer or ;ippollin ar is wate r,

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