1916 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul


130- SODA COCK 'L'A lL.

L. .D .

l i~c :L large soda w:iter glass, \rhich LtaU' Jill with chipped ice; put iu half a teaspoonful of J .. ngostura bitters and half a teaspoonful of powdered sugar ; fill up with soda ; place small piece of lemou peel on t op a nd serve with strmYs . 140-SODA LE"MONADE. L . .D . Use a large soda glass; put in a few p iece of chipped ice, n tnhlespoonful of pO\nle red sugar . . iniPe of half a lemo n, a hottle of plain soda: stir· ll' cll am! strain. 141-SODA NECTAR. L. D. Us<' a. large· soda g ln ss, wi t h n fC\,. pi cc·es of ic·e; add t he ,iuice of n lc111011 , n tabl espoo~1ful of s uga r, half t umble rfrrl of wa ter ; stir 1111t rl Poo l, t he 11 put in hal f a teaspoo11ful of cnrhonatc ot' snd:1 a11

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