1916 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul


144-A SOUTH COAS'l' cocr.;: T _\ IL. P.. n. 'l'ak C' :i soJ:i 11·:1le r g l:1 ss :111d l1 :tll" fill 11·iLT1 (i11" ..11ipped i.. e: p11 t in :1 tc:1s p1Jt1111"1il .,r J>tJ 11·d e re d s ugaL h;ilf a t e:1 sp ou 1i1"1tl or 1\ 11 gn~L 11 r:1 lii tle rs . " t e as poo111"1tl o r 1·11r;1<;u:i : ~qll eL'ZC J. :111" " IC' lllllll in ; aJd oue :1ncl a l1 :tlr 11· i11 c-gl:1 ~s r1il uf o ld i-:lcotch 11·J1iske~·; thcu Vilt up t he ·~lass 11·itlt socb 11·a ter , :1fter 11·l1i eh take ;1 si1·iz:1.lc s tic·k and s11·izzle ll"e ll 1111t il _yo n o bt ain a frol11 1)11 top . Lli e 11 po11r 011 t in to 11"i11 e g lasses . 'l'l1i ~ de1·1w– Lio 11 wu11 ld lie s11flil" iL'l 1L rnr i l1rc1· 111· ro1 1r p er– :--.011 !-i. 145-SPA!\ ISH DKLIC:J-l'L'. L . n. 'J'a ke hnlf-pint t umbl e r ; put in :1 l e a s ponnl'ul of p0\1·J e red s uga r and n 11 e11· laid l''"' · add hall" licp1e ur-g lass ful of c.:ura ~·cia a11d :t ;i'.":~s or por t 11·i11e; s h:ike well a nd se rve ll"i t h st r :l\1·s. 146-S'l'ARS AND STR IPES . S. D. Take a thin , long rirp1 e ur g la ss; put i11 e qual quanti t ies or red no.1·ea11 , 111 a r asc· l1ill1J, ye llo11· c.:har t re use, g reen c ura c;oa , :u rd hra11Jy ill t he orde r g ive n , and you ll" ill see st ripe. ill t he g la ss . \Vhe n you hnve clrn11k t he compoullll look up to the sky and you w ill see star s . 147-STONE FENCE. L . D. Fill a tumbler with chipped .ice; put in half a teaspoonful of powde red sugar; sq 11euze hn If' a lemon in; add h a lf gla ss ful of Bourbon wh iske:v: t he n fill np the t umble r wi t l1 .Je rsey c i

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