1916 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul

60 153- \VHTSKl<:Y en ST ,\ . R. D .

_F ill t 111111.lcr " ·itl1 r hippcrl ic:e; sq11c·t·Y.<' li:tlr " lu111 011 i11 ; add a. tt•aspnn11f11l of st r;11\·licrr.v s_,.,.llJI aud lmlf " 11·i11 e-gh1 ss f11l or Ho111·ho 11 whi s key: sh nkc \\·ell ;1ml sl rai11 i11 tn :i 11·i11 e ; .das'" fir~l lmving mo iste ned t he outs ide uf t he gl a ~s um! d ipped it into powdered snga r : p lace :i i:l icc of lemon on top . ~ - I>. Take l1:1lf- pin t t umbl er l1:1l r full ehippecl ice; add three clashes g um syn1p, t \1·0 das hes orgeat syrup , t he juice of half le111011 , a win e g lass of Bourbon or rye whisk ey ; shake well a 11cl strain in to a la rge cocktail g lass . a nd fill up ,,· it h sy phon seltze r or apollin ari s wnter. 154-WHTSKE!Y n Al:·ff.

155-WHISKl<:Y FIZZ . L. D. Same ns No. 64 , subst itn ting \\'hisk ey J'or g in.

156-WHISKEY J ULEP. L . D . Same as No. 97 , s11bstit 11 ti ng \d1iskey fo r hrandy, 0111i tti 11g f:111 r:.v or11:1mc 11 ts. Sec C i11 .Tnlep, No. 65.

157-WJ'LJSKKY SL-ING. L . D. Same as No. 67, substituting whiskel for g in .

158-WHISK EY SOUR. S. D . Snme as No. 69, subst ituting whiskey for g in.

159-WHISKEY SMASH. L . D . Same as No. 26, snhstit nt in g whi skey for bra nd,y.

Made with