1916 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul


16U- \VH1SKEY 'l'\VlS'I' . S. lJ . t:i a111e as No. 71 , s ubstit ut ing whi skey fur g i11.

161-THE HOFF MAK STl{,.-\. \\'BERHY. F ill ha lf-pint t umble r wit h shaved ice ; a


Additional Non·alcobolic Beverages.

TU 1\l :\l\l~ PL:\I N ~YH li l'. 'l':il;t• 11 1" fi11 es t refi11 cd su gar 6 lb. ; add 2 _pints o r 11»1lt·r . Whe 11 nil dissolved gentl.r liotl for oll l' mi1111 le; 11·it hdr::t w Lhc heat a ml r e 111m·e t ht> s1·11rn ; ge nt ly boil 11p aga i11 for a nother mi1111 k :1 ml remove any f urt he r sc11m; t hc 11 ::tdd s11fl1- ('i c 11 t c:old \1·ater t o 111 a ke 1 gallon (about 3 p 111b 11r \\"ate r w ill bP r eqnircd ). This prud11 t:es. n s.Hu p equ a l to a bo ut 47 T11·m1Llell , it s s pec ifi c: g rav it.\· 1.235 , an d 1s t he stre ngtl1 ge ue rally

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