1916 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul


EGG PHOSPH:\TK Brea k n new lnid egg in to n 12 oz. g:ln ss in presence of t he custome r ; draw 2 ozs . of le mon ~yr up (orn ngP syrup if prr-fr rr<' full ; pour into g: lnss severa l t imes to t horoughl:v mix ; se r ve with :i good lwnd . Grnte a littl e nutmeg on top in s<' n ·ing . FRUIT SYRUP S-" LTQUJ D LIFE " BRAND. To pre pare for fo u ntnin n se. tnk<' five pn rts of plain syrup and add on e par t of r·on centra t ed fruit juice. If not e n oug h h ea din g: add. say, 1 drachm of Foam Solution to n g::i ll on . St r :iwbcrry, V:i nilla , Pin e:i pple, K oln , C'hNr.v. Grape. Sa r– ~a pn rilln and Lime Jui ce. D ose. 2 ozs. to a 12 oz. gl:i ss . Also co ffee cxtrnet-m :ide fresh from the berries. GINGER AJ,E (A:-rn1nc.\:-; ). (Thi s is o rPr!J f o1·n 11 1·dr rlri11 l: in- .4mn·icn.) Ta ke of plain syrup .. . 1 g al. Tartnric ne id or c itri c :if'id . . . g to 2 ozs. American g inge r a le 0s~0 1wc 2~· to 3 ozs. GINGER AT,11: (Ano:1r.1n c) AERATED. Take of pl nin syrup T nr tar ic :icid or r·it ri c nf' id . . . Ginger nle f'olonrin g . .. . .. 1 gnl. 2 ozs. to fan cy FAVOURITE DRINKS. Or:inge, R :ispbe rry , L emon ,

1} ozs. 1 drm .

Essence of g ing er nle (n r om atic) Solubl e essen ce of cn p sicin e ... (Equ:ils abou t} 07.. to 10 gn ls. S~'l'll p.)

French crea m :'t oz . It is impossible to stntc nny reg:nlar qnm1ti ty of colouring t o be u sed . as it is so ld from n ver:v pale to a

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