1916 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul


ORANGE QUINlNE. Draw 1 oz. of orauge syrup in to an 8 oz. g la s~. add two shakes of quinin e bitte rs fro111 phosph ate bottle, fill up with soda " ·atc r , wi t h out fo a m. and serve with a preserved g lace cherry . PlNEAPPJJE-LK\lONADE FLlPS. Draw· 1 oz. of pineapple a nd 1 oz. of le rn ou syrup into shaker and add 2 ozs. of rich cre am , fill up until nearly full wi t h iced sod a wate r : pour from shaker into a 12 oz. g lass with a ni ce foaming head· and sen-e with a slice of lemon or orange ; h andl e quick ly a nd stir well , or thi s drink will curdle.


Take of pl a in sy rup

1 gal. 2 ozs.

Tartaric a cid or citri c acid Golden ca ramel .. . . .. E ssence pin eapple (concentrated) French cream

~ oz . ~ oz . l oz.


Break a 11c 11· lai


Tak.e of pla in syrup Water

~ gal. 1 g al.

il .t o 1 oz.

T a rta ri c ac id or citric ac id Quinine tonic esse nce

3 ozs.

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