1916 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul



1 ga l. 11· oz. ~l oz.

Take of rlain sy rup

Tartaric aci

centrnted quality)

.. . 2~ to3 ozs.

F rench crea m ~ oz. If recg1ircd less bri gh t , use 1- oz. ra spbe rry colouring an d ~ oz lemonade colo111·i11 g .

S'l'lU WBE HHY LOE CREA}l. Take 1 qua r t of new milk. 1 p int of cream , 1 lb . of grau ulriied whi te suga r, 1 quar t of fresh straw– herries (o r prese r ved, when out of season) , the white of 3 eggs, well beaten up , an d add cochi– nea l colouring to suit. :Mash t h e strawbe rri es in a colander , mix t h e pulp with the milk , cream a nd su~ar stir un t il all are di ssolved a nd add t he whipped eggs. Colour with on e or two drop s of cochineal nnd freeze in th e ordin a r y way. N.B.-It is necessary to u se mor e sa lt with th e ic:e in freezing "Strawberry Cream." " TOWER " \VHISKEY LEMON SOUR. To t he "Lc111011 Phospha te." page 72, add 2 ozs. (o r 1 quartern) of good old whi sk e.y. N.B.-Whi skey ca n be s ubstituted if des ired iu all phosph ate drinks.



Take of pl::i in sy rup \Vater

6 pints . 2 pints. l t oz. 1 oz. 11 oz .

.. . . .. Tartaric aci

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