1916 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul

I N t he followin g pages arc _shown illnstr::ition s of Satur::it111g and Aerating Plant necessary to those suppl~· ing lcccl Drinks on t he .-\me ri errn System. Th e " Rota r~' Pyr:i rn id " re presents a s imple a nd conven ient :i pparat us for ae r:iting in bottl e, and is s u itable for Club or small Bar Trade , Coun try Houses, for Boardship , Y:i chts , &c ., while t he "Victor " a nd " :\f:insell " Satnrators are types of th e more elabor:;i,te :ind l:ibonr– sav ing machines for large r equireme nts. Farrow & Jac:kson , Limited , will he h:ipp~', on receipt of e nqnir~·, to send deta il ed Cat.:i– logue of Min e r al 'Yatc 1· l\ f achin er~', Co11nter Fount:iins, Syrup-1\faking Applian ces, and Ge neral B:ir and Qellar R equi s ites for whi ch t heir ma nnfactures have bee n faYonrnbly known for many ~·ea rs.

16, GRBAT TOWER ST., E.C. 3 (Tel. Avenue 215:3). 8, HAYMARKET, S.W. I (Tel. Gerrard 3702).

Work5 and Showroom5 for Mineral Water Machinery: 91, MANSELL STREET, E.I.

Telegrams: "Farjak, Bilgate, Lonclon." '


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