1916 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul
By .\ ppointmem w 1:1.~!. K ini( Goor !HON W J :-; e; lllNS . C.:cllnrs fitt ed i11 '.l'own nnd C.:onnLry. Estimnlcs Furnished. " SL1 DEH 131N:::i." Also the 'Registered Ccllu h1r.·· Frc11ch Pnttorn, etc. Corking Machines, Cork-scrP.ws and Cork Draw· ing Machines, Champagne Knives a nd N ippers. Whisky Caeb, Taps and Decanters, Ce llar T hermometers a nd CELLAR a nd DECANTING A PPLIANCES of all kinds. 16, Great Tower St reet, E.C. , and 8, Ba~ mar ket, S. W.
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