1917 The Ideal Bartender by Tom Bullock


Fill medium size Shell glass full Cracked Ice. 2teaspoonfuls Bar Sugar. 2sprigs bruised Mint. Pour Champagne slowly into the glass, stirring gently at the same time. Dress with fruit;dash with Brandy and serve with Straws. CHAMPAGNE PUNCH (for a party of6) Into a glass Pitcher poor the Juice of1 Lemon,and add: 14 lb. Bar Sugar.

1 jigger Strawberry Syrup. 1 quart bottle Champagne. Stir with Ladle and drop in: 1 sliced Orange. 3slices Pineapple. Decorate with Fruit and serve in Champagne goblets.


Fill medium Bar glass^full Shaved Ice. 3dashes Lemon Juice. Fill up with Champagne. Stir gently; dress with Fruit and Berries; dash with Brandy and serve with Straws. CHAMPAGNE VELVET Fill Goblet Kfull ice-cold Champagne. Fill up balance of Goblet with ice-cold Porter. Stir and serve. CHOCOLATE PUNCH Fill large Bar glass%full Shaved Ice. ^ 1 teaspoonful Bar Sugar. M jigger Curacoa. 1 jigger Port Wine., 1 Egg. Fill up with Milk; shake well; strain into Punch glass; grate Nutmeg on top and serve.

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