1917 The Reminder by Jacob A. Didier (5th edition)

Carefully cover with Benedictine— § glass of fresh cream on top. Keep this drink in separate layers and serve.

THE ENCORE. Use a pousse cafe glass. J Maraschino. J curacoa. J brandy. Each separate and serve,

THE FLAG. Use a pousse cafe glass.

J creme de roses (red). J anisette (white). J creme de violet (blue).

Each separate and serve.


Use a mixing glass.

J of an orange (juice only). 2 dashes of lemon juice. I teaspoonful of sugar. I fresh egg (yolk only). 4 pony of brandy. 4 pony of Benedictine. 4 pony of Maraschino. I pony of fresh cream. Fill glass with fine ice.

Shake well, strain into a long, thin glass; beat the white of the egg to froth, with a little sugar; put this on top of the drink and serve,


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