1917 The Reminder by Jacob A. Didier (5th edition)

Mix well. You may add the thin rind of cucumber and serve in fancy stem glasses.

STRAWBERRY FLAVORING. For Punches, Etc. (Two Quarts) I pint strawberry syrup. 1 pint raspberry syrup. 8ounces pineapple syrup. 8 ounces curacoa. 4 ounc'es apricot brandy. 2 ounces Benedictine. I ounce Aromatic bitters. I ounce forbidden fruit.

HURRY UP PUNCH. (Three Quarts)

Use a punch bowl.

The juice of three lemons. The juice of three oranges. I pint of Apollinaris, sugar to taste, dissolve. I pint of Santa Cruz or Ja-. maica rum. J pint of port wine. J pint of brandy. J pint of curacoa and Maras chino, mixed.

Stir well, add sliced fruit, pour in one quart of champagne, stir and cool with a block of ice in the eentsr, serve in fMcy wine glasses. "5

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