1917 The Reminder by Jacob A. Didier (5th edition)

CHAMPAGNE PUNCH. (Thrfee Gallon Mixture) Use four-gallon vessel to mix in. 3 pounds of loaf sugar, dis solved with water. 1 mixing glass full of lemon juice, strain. 2 whiskey glasses abricotine. I quart brandy. 3 quarts dry catawba wine. 3 quarts champagne. 5 quarts carbonated water.

6 oranges, sliced. 3 lemons, sliced. I can pineapple.

Stir well, put in a punch bowl one piece of ice, then pour some of the above mixture into the bowl, serve in champagne glasses or pimch cups with fruit.

COUNCIL PUNCH. (Three Gallons) 2 pormds loaf sugar, dissolved into 3 quarts of water, strain, add I pint of whiskey. 1 pint of mixed cordials. 1 quart of Rhine wine. 2 gallons of claret.

Stir well, put a piece of ice in bowl, add sliced fruit, serve in punch cups.


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