1917 The Reminder by Jacob A. Didier (5th edition)

GIN SOUR. Made similar to Whiskey Sour, using gin instead of whiskey.

JAMAICA RUM SOUR. Made similar to Whiskey Sour, using Jamaica rum instead of whis key. MEDFORD RUM SOUR. Made similar to Whiskey Sour, using Medford rum instead of whis key. ST. CROrX RUM SOUR. Made similar to Whiskey Sour, using St. Croix rum instead of whis key. CLARET FLIP. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full of fine ice. I fresh egg. I tablespoonful sugar. I drink of claret wine. Shake well, strain into flip glass, nutmeg on top, and serve.


Use a mixing glass.

I spoonful fine sugar. I fresh egg. 3 dashes of curacoa. I dash of St. Croix rum. 34

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