1917 The Reminder by Jacob A. Didier (5th edition)

RTJM FLIP. Prepare this drink same as Sherry Flip, using Jamaica rum instead of sherry. WHISKEY FLIP. Prepared in the same manner as the Sherry Flip, using whiskey in stead of sherry. ARRACK PUNCH. Use a goblet glass. Dissolve one tablespoonful sugar in a little water. 4 or 5 dashes a lemon juice. 1 wineglass Batavia arrack. J wineglass Jamaica rum. 2 dashes pineapple syrup. Fill glass with fine ice. Shake well, dress with fruit and serve with straws.


Use a punch glass.

4 or s dashes of lemon juice. I spoonful of sugar. I dash of raspberry syrup. Fill glass with fine ice. I drink of brandy. I dash of Jamaica rum.

Stir or shake well, dress with fruit in season, and serve with straws, 37

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