1917 The Reminder by Jacob A. Didier (5th edition)

HOODS COOLER. Squeeze one lime in a tall, thin glass, two pieces of ice, fill with sarsaparilla and serve. JUDGES' COOLER. Put in old-fashioned cocktail glass one lump of loaf sugar with enough water to moisten sugar. I dash of Angostura or Pey- chaud bitters. Crush the sugar with muddler. I or 2 pieces of ice. I slice of lemon and orange. I drink of whiskey. Serve customer with whiskey glass and bottle to help himself to the whiskey; after pouring in the liquor nil up the glass with ginger ale and serve with spoon in glass.

LIME COOLER. Use a large, thin glass. Juice of one lime.

3 or 4 dashes gum syrup. 1 drink of whiskey. Stir well, fill up with fine ice. 2 dashes of Jamaica rum. JJress with fruit and serve with straws.

Manhattan cooler.

Use a thin goblet.

The juice of one large lime; I spoonful of sugar. 52

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