1917 The Reminder by Jacob A. Didier (5th edition)

STRAWBERRY LEMONADE. Use a mixing glass. 5 or 6 dashes of lemon juice. I spoonful of sugar. J pony glass of strawberry syrup. Fill glass with fine ice, the balance with watpr. Shake well, dress with fruit and serve with straws.

SODA LEMONADE. Prepared in the same manner as the Seltzer Lemonade, using plain soda in place of seltzer.

RASPBERRY LEMONADE. Prepared in the same manner as the Strawberry Lemonade, usi, g raspberry syrup in place of straw berry syrup.


Use a mixing glass.

I teaspoonful of sugar. I squirt of syphon seltzer. 3 or 4 fresh sprigs of mint. Press slightly with muddler.

J glass of fine ice. I drink of brandy.

Stir well, place slice of fruit and a sprig of mint into a fancy sour glass, strain the above into it and serve. 66

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