1917 The Reminder by Jacob A. Didier (5th edition)

glass with one end hanging over edge; one large piece of ice; fill glass nearly full with imported ginger ale; float on top one pony of brandy and serve. HORSES' NECK. Peel.the whole of a lemon in a long string;. place into a long, thin glass with one end hanging over edge; one or two pieces of ice; fill glass with imported ginger ale and serve. HOW TO PREPARE LEMON JUICE FOR SOURS AND FIZZES. Put into one quart bottle of lemon juice the whites of four fresh eggs and shake well.. Keep in a cool place.


Use hot toddy glass. I lump of sugar,

i glass of boiling water, dis solve sugar.

I drink of apple whiskey. I piece of roasted apple. A little nutmeg on top and serve with a spoon.


Use hot water glass.

I or 2 lumps of sugar. J glass hot water (dissolve); 82

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