1917 The Reminder by Jacob A. Didier (5th edition)


Use hot whiskey glass. I lump of sugar.

J glass of boiling water, dis solve sugar.

A small piece of butter. A few cloves or allspice. Fill up the glass with Jamaica rum, stir and serve.


Use a mixing glass. I fresh egg.

I spoonful of sugar. \ glass of fine ice. I dash of Maraschino. I spoonful of Jamaica rum.

I drink of brandy. Fill up with milk.

Shake well, strain into a punch glass, nutmeg on top, and serve with straws.

INVIGORATOR. Use a medium size thin glass. 1 small piece of ice_.

2 dashes of abricotine. 2 dashes of lemon juice. 2 dashes of pine^ple syrup. I wine glass of Kaimmel. Fill up the glass with ginger ale, stir gently and serve. 87

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