1917 The Reminder by Jacob A. Didier (5th edition)

ROCK AND RYE. Use whiskey glass. Put one-hal'f tablespoonful rock candy syrup into the glass and allow customer to serve himself to whiskey.

ROCK AND RYE. (Bottled).

Put into a large neck quart bottle orie-half or two quarters of a lemon with rind on; then one whiskey glass full of rock candy syrup into the bottle; fill up with rye whiskey; serve same as straight whiskey. ROUGH REDER. Put in a highball glass. I piece of ice. I piece of lemon peel. I drink of whiskey. Fill up the glass with ginger ale and serve with spoon in glass.


Use a mixing glass. I fresh egg.

I teaspoonful of sugar. 3 or 4 dashes of lemon juice. }glass of fine ice. r drink of whiskey. I teaspoonful Santa Cruzrum. Shake well, strain into a fizz glass, fill with milk, stir and serve. 96

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