1918 Home Brewed Wines and Beers and Bartender's Guide

A Few PUZXi.£S.find TRfCkS from our BIG CATALOG Hat and bice Trick

Does the Dice Pass Through Solid Matter?

Amusing! Amazingi

Show your friends an emoty box and place It on the table, cover with hat. imd command dice to qd- Eear. When you remove hat andlift ox, Miere la the dice. You can now make the dice pass from hat to box, etc. Reverse the hat nnU the dice rolls out and at tho same time you exhibit tho omptv box! Kasv to perform. Complete apparatus. No< 3194. Price Postpaid....*'^ nanciSHEHza

Magic Billiard Balls The mafflclan eommonces with one ball which can be freolv exam ined by anyone In the audience. Beginnlnc: with this one ball, ho con. ot will, make another appear and continue dolne so until ho has a full set of four balls. They can be made to disappear one after tho oLiier until the single ball re mains, _ , %||C No. 3136. Small Size. Price NO. 3137. Large Size. Price soc

Hundreds of Magic or Joke uses. Combino with Cigarot or Match Tricks. Amaze and Amuse your Pals in the Schoolroom- Sensational climax to your magic performance! Or, a handy trick you can do at an>*tlme. Show your hands to bo empty, then roach out Into tho air and as you do so. smoke rises from your fincers. Repeat over and over npnln. Harm less. No sleight of hand; no gim micks to manipulate. Nothing is lit or burned. Special invisible paste spreads on finfrers. No. 311G, Per Tube, Postpaid Read-the-Bock Cards

ISxact duplicate of an Or el i nary piece of soap; but tains a chemical that acts like a dye contact- Inirwatcr. No.2198

Enchanted Bottle

A mysterious little boWe that will not lio down for anyone not in tho secret. Not now. but a novelty that sells every .month in the year. A curious ^ littlo .vest pocket trick that vrtll baffle many persons. Why not have one In your Rocket! _ _ , lOC 10. 3041, Price....

Used At Card Parties* Magic Shows* Etc. Look Like Standard Ployirtg Cards



Read the face values of these cards instantly from the back! Al though in apDcorance these cards resemble n standard, well finished deck of playing cards, designs ,on back are made so that you can im mediately read the faco values. C.in be read while being de.ilt. etc. Good for magic purposes, jokes, pokcr, winning at bridge, etc. 50 No. 3122. 'ice Postpaid '

Snapping Gum This I.S an imitation nackasro of the well-known Spearmint Chewing Gum. A secret snapping mechanism comes Into action when the victim attempts to take a stick of the (rum. A sharp snap on the hnircrs la tho result. Various popular irum wrop- pers on packncrc. TCm* No. 2963. Price Postpaid..

Glass Piggy Bank See what tou save. watch the coins stack upl Slot In top for inserting coins. About 4-in. long. Stands on table, etc. 20e 2529. Price Postpaid ^ lin. Go|dTe

Glass Liberty Bell Bank

Wear these 8 p a r k 1 i n g Imitation gold toethl These imita tion gold crowns fit over your rcgulav teeth and look like real cold fillings. Can be slip- pod on and off In a moment.

The Magic Vanisher With the aid of this v«mishor It is possible to make small such as handkerchiefs. P.apor money. 1^.. apparently disappear into the air. Looks very f^cctiye. Done with the sleeves rolled uo- van isher is an exact duplicate of the -jtfichmont used by professional mSicUn?. We guarantee that any- one can do It tlio first time Us No?^3103. PricO Postpaid. . . •*5®

Makes an at tractive desk novelty and bonk. Shaped In form of i Liberty Boll with mould- cd glass

Siirprlso your friends.

A#* ***»

' Slot In top for depositing coins. 4'in. high. No. 2530. Price Postpaid....,^®® wording on side.

2189. Price


3 for 15c postpaid

Mystify Your Friends

Th ree Easy Magic Tricks



Magic Ball &Vase Trlck The performer ehowa a vase, containing a solid ball, that ho ukcs out of the vase, and places in his pocket, exhibiting the empty vase to tho audience. He then places the cover on tho vase and commands the ball to pass from his pocket and appear in the vase, and upon raising tho cover the ball is found Co be there. No. 3142. Magic Ball and Vase 15®

-Mogic'Cards. With these cards you can perform Some of tho moot wonderful lliu- elons. You can change eights to deuces, blacks to reds. etc. The transformations are truly wonder ful. The various tricks that can be performed with those wonderful cords arc so simple anyone can do them. No. 3117. Maqic Trick fOA ^rdt. Price Postpaid....... AV6

Bomiw handkerchief and cigar ette. Now Dusn a lighted cigarette Into the handkerchief. Shako hand, kerchief out. Haiidkcrchlef Is unclam- red and cigarette has disappeared. pcrfoi-m—no practice. One Eas?

Price Postpaid.


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