1919 Home made beverages

Lemon, Lime, Mint, Etc.

2. — Allow 3 lemons to each qt. of water and about J£ lb. of sugar. Have the lemons perfectly clean, cut 2 thin slices from the center of each and lay aside. Chip off some of the thin yellow rind from several of the lemons and squeeze out the juice, pressing hard enough to extract some of the flavor of the skin. Put the juice, the clipped rind and the sugar in a large bowl; then pour on the desired amount of boiling water. Let it stand until cold, put away in the ice chest and when ready to serve fill the glasses one-third full of cold water or chipped ice; add the lemon water and a slice of the cut lemon. A maraschino cherry may be added. Claret. — One-third glass cracked ice, 1 lemon, 2 oz. claret syrup. Shake well and add a glassful of plain soda. Stir, strain and add 1 slice lemon. Serve with 2 straws. Diabetic Lemonade. — Citric acid, 5 grams; glycerine, 20 to 30 grams; water, 1,000 c.c. Egg. — 1. — Break 1 egg into a glass, beat it slightly, then add 1 dessertspoonful of lemon-juice; sugar to taste. 1 tablespoonful of crushed ice and a little cold water. Shake well until sufficiently cooled, then strain into an- other glass, fill up with iced water, sprinkle a little nut- meg on the top and serve. 2. — Break 1 egg in mixing glass, use 1 or 2 lemons, simple syrup to taste. Shake well with ice. Use fine stream of soda and serve in bell glass with nutmeg or cinnamon. 3. — Beat the white of an egg light and add to plain lemonade. 4. — Pour a pint of boiling water over a cup of sugar, the juice of 4 lemons and the thin, yellow rind of 2; cool, then chill. Beat the yolks of 4 eggs until lemon-colored and thick, and then the whites until stiff. Mix them thoroughly; add the lemon water and a pint of fine chipped ice or ice-cold water and serve. Fruit. — Crush 6 fine strawberries or raspberries well, add 1 teaspoonful of powdered sugar, small or otherwise according to taste, the juice of 1 lemon, a little cold water

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