1919 Home made beverages

Hot Beverages

mixture in the mug and add 1 dr. of acid phosphate solu- tion, filling the mug with hot water. If desired, the phosphate may be kept mixed with the syrup. Pepsin. — Liquid pepsin, 1 teaspoonful; liquid phos- phate, 2 dashes; lemon syrup, 1 oz.; hot water, 1 cupful. Pistachio Pistachio or almond syrup, 1 oz.; cream syrup, 1 oz.; cream, 3^ oz.; rum or bitters, a dash. Fill with hot soda, stirring well. Serve cinnamon.


% oz.; raspberry juice, J£

Raspberry vinegar syrup,

lime juice, J^ oz. Add hot water, stirring well.



— Over pineapple ice cream pour a ladleful of


hot cherry syrup. Chocolate. — Rich hot chocolate syrup poured over a ladleful of plain or nut ice cream is very delicious. A few chopped nuts may be sprinkled over the top. Chocolate Sauce. — Chocolate or cocoa, lj^ lb.; granu- lated sugar, 6 lb.; water (distilled or pure), 3 pt.; extract vanilla, 1J^ oz.; brandy, 2 oz.; extract almond, J-jj oz. Dissolve cocoa and sugar in water, strain while hot through cheesecloth; add vanilla and brandy. Keep in a chafing dish or water bath, not too hot a fire, as it solidi- fies or gets too thick; add a little water. Serve hot over ice cream in sundae cup. Maph. — Pour a ladleful of hot maple syrup over vanilla ice cream, sprinkle ground hickory nuts over top. Serve with N. wafers. Mint. — Over a ladleful of vanilla ice cream pour a heavy hot menthe syrup and place 3 creme de menthe cherries on top. Strawberry. — Over a service of vanilla ice cream a ladle- ful of hot crushed strawberry. Do not let the strawberry reach a boiling degree, as it destroys the flavor. 125

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