1919 Home made beverages

— Non-A Icoholic


a pinch of salt and sweeten to taste. Nutmeg, ginger, butter or cream is frequently added when the gruel is intended as a remedy for a cold.

Rice Water

— Wash well 1 oz. of Carolina rice with

1. (Dr. Pavy).

cold water. Then macerate for 3 hours in 1 qt. of water kept at tepid heat, and afterward boil slowly for 1 hour and strain. May be flavored with lemon peel, cloves or other spice. This preparation is useful in dysentery, diarrhea, etc. 2. — Take of rice 2 oz., let it be well washed and add to it 2 qt. water. Boil it for lj^ hours and then add sugar and nutmeg as much as may be required. To be taken ad libitum. Rice, when boiled for a considerable time, assumes a gelatinous form, and, mixed with milk, is a very excellent diet for children. It possesses, in some measure, a constipating property which may be increased by boiling the milk. Sago Fine sago, 1 dessertspoonful; castor sugar, 1 dessert- spoonful; boiling water, J^ pt.; port wine, 1 glass. Let the water be quite boiling in a stewpan, then sprinkle in the sago and boil gently until it is quite clear, stirring from time to time. Add the sugar and wine and serve. Toast Water Toast 1 crust of bread very brown and hard, but do not burn it, or it will impart a disagreeable flavor to the water. Put it into a jug, pour over it 1 pt. of cold water; let it soak for 1 hour, then strain and use.


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