1919 Home made beverages

— A Icoholic


wines can be used to bring white wine which has turned yellow back to its normal color. Earthy Flavor of Wines. — This defect in wines is apt to interfere seriously with their sale, as the taste is par- ticularly disagreeable. It may be the result of several causes. The vineyards may not be properly cared for or in low, wet land. The treatment of wines which have earthy flavor requires much judgment and experience. Wines should be promptly clarified by the means already given and frequently racked. The white of egg receipt given under clarification is the best one to use for this defect. The addition of a small quantity of tannin dis- solved in alcohol will also help to correct this defect. Greenness. — This defect gives a very sour, unpleasant taste to the wine, owing to the malic and tartaric acids, which are in excess. There is no ordinary defect of wine which is more noticeable and more disagreeable than greenness. As its name implies, it is frequently caused by the use of unripe grapes. The treatment of the wine must be varied according to the taste. One of the various methods is to add from 1 to 3 qt. of old brandy to every 100 gal. of wine. Potassium tartrate affords a cheap and easy method of neutralizing the tartaric acid, forming potassium bitartrate, which may be afterward removed when the wine is right. The amount of potassium tar- trate which may be used varies with the sourness of the wine, but 18 oz. per 100 gal. would be considered an average amount. Various other substitutes have been tried, but none is as successful as potassium tartrate. Coloring Matters. — Various matters are largely em- ployed to artificially heighten the colors of wines. The different spurious coloring matters can be detected by using a solution of lead acetate, and the precipitants formed give a good test by which the various colors can be de- termined. 1. — Malva flowers or hollyhock produce, when steeped in spirits for 24 hours, or evenwhen boiled with water, a very beautiful purple. 164

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