1919 Home made beverages



ESSENCE. — An oil distilled at a comparatively low temperature from a plant in which it already exists; as essence of peppermint. Century Dictionary. Extract. — Anything drawn from a substance by dis- tillation, heat, solution, or other chemical process, as an essence or tincture. Century Dictionary. 1. — Allspice, coarsely ground, 4 oz.; diluted alcohol, 1 pt. 2. — Deodorized alcohol, 500 parts; proof spirits, 300 parts; oil of allspice, 100 parts; carbonate of magnesia, 100 parts. Color with caramel. 1. — One fl.oz. essential oil of almonds, 1 pt. spirit; proceed as allspice. 2. — Essence of bitter almonds, essence of peach kernels, almond flavor. Essential oil of almonds, 1 fl.oz.; rectified spirit (56 o.p.), 19 fl.oz. Mix and agitate them together until united. 3. — Concentrated essence of almonds, double strength. Take of essential oil of almonds, 1 fl.oz.; alcohol, strongest, 1 Allspice Almonds

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