1919 Home made beverages
Mixed Drinks
3. — Champagne syrup, 1 oz.; phosphate, three dashes; orange cider, 2 oz.; add a dash of cream, and stir while filling with hot soda. Cherry Bounce 1.— To 6 gal. cherry juice add: 80% spirit, 15 gal.; Catalonia or Marseilles wine, 15 gal.; essence noyau 1}^ oz.; cinnamon, ground, and infused in J4 gal. of water, J4 lb.; cloves, ground, and infused in 34 gal- of water, 34 lb.; mace, infused in J^ pt. 95% alcohol, % oz. Mix all the above ingredients in a clean barrel, and add 30 gal. sugar syrup, 13° Reaumur. Stir up all the ingredients well together, and filter after 4 or 5 days. Make the color a little darker with sugar coloring, and to give a good shade add a little archil. 2. — Cherries, 12 lb.; to each gal. of juice obtained from them allow 4 lb. of sugar; ground mace, J^ teaspoonful; ground allspice, 34 teaspoonful; brandy, 1 qt.; rum, 1 qt. Remove the stones, place the fruit in a large jar, and stand the jar in a saucepan containing boiling water. Cook gently until all the juice is extracted, strain it, and measure it into a preserving pan. Add sugar, mace and allspice in the proportions stated above, and simmer the ingredients until the scum ceases to rise. When cold add the spirits, and bottle for use. 1. — To 1 qt. of orangeade add a bottle of claret, and freeze as for iced coffee. 2. — Make syrup as egg phosphate, only use claret syrup. One ounce of the wine may be added if desired. 3. — Make an egg phosphate in the usual manner, and add 1 tablespoonful of claret before serving. 4. — Use claret concentrated syrup, diluting 1 qt. con- centrated syrup with 3 qt. plain syrup. Put into a phos- phate glass ljis oz. fountain syrup, add a dash of phos- phate, draw soda of sufficient quantity into another glass, 199 Phosphate. Claret
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