1919 Home made beverages

Mixed Drinks

crushed ice. a tumbler with crushed ice, pour over it all the liquids, shake well, then strain into a glass, and serve with a small piece of lemon peel floating on the surface. Note. — For dry cocktails use French vermouth, and be sparing of bitters. May Drink Hock type, or other white wine, 1 bottle; water, % pt.; sugar, 1 or 2 tablespoonfuls; lemon (the juice and thin rind), 1; black currant leaves a small handful; crushed ice. Put the sugar, lemon rind and lemon juice, black currant leaves, into a jug, add the water and wine, and let it stand, covered and surrounded with ice, for at least 3^ hour. Strain into a glass jug, add a few sprigs of mint, then serve. Metheglin From honey, 1 cwt.; warm water, 24 gal.; stir well until dissolved; the next day add of yeast, 1 pt., and hops, 1 lb., previously boiled in 1 gal. of water, along with water, q. s. to make the whole measure 1 bbl.; mix well, and fer- ment the whole with the usual precautions adopted for other liquors. It contains, on the average, from 7 to 8% alcohol. Mint Julep made precisely in the same manner as sherry cobbler, except that you use brandy instead of wine, and you add to your fruits 3 or 4 sprigs of fresh spearmint. Decorate the top with sprigs of mint instead of flowers. 2. — Loaf sugar, 4 cubes; extract mint, 10 drops; pre- pared milk, 1 dessertspoonful; hot soda, sufficient to fill cup; whipped cream, 1 tablespoonful; grated nutmeg, q. s. 3. — Make a syrup of 1 qt. of water and 1 lb. of sugar. Break up 1 doz. sprigs of mint and soak them in V/i cup- fuls of boiling water, in a covered bowl, for 5 minutes. Then strain, and add the flavored water to the syrup. Turn in 14 207 Half fill 1. — This is

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