1919 Home made beverages

— Non-A Icoholic


tartaric acid, saturated solution, 5 parts;

ether, 1 part;

glycerine, 10

succinic acid, saturated solution, 3 parts;

alcohol (deodorized), q. s. to make 100 parts.


Mix. 2.

— Deodorized alcohol, 500 parts; proof spirits, 300 parts; pure Catawba grape juice, 140 parts; acetic ether, 30 parte; butyric ether, 15 parts; oil of bitter almond, 10 parts; cognac oil, 5 parts. 3. — Enanthic ether, glycerine, each 10 parts; tartaric acid, 5 parts; succinic acid, 3 parts; aldehyde, chloroform and formic ether, each 2 parts, and methyl-salicylic ether, 1 part. Lemon 1. — Oil of lemon, acetic ether and tartaric acid, each 10 parts; glycerine, 5 parts; aldehyde, 2 parts; chloro- form, nitrous ether and succinic ether, each 1 part. 2. — One-half lb. yellow peel of fresh lemons, J^ gal. boiling water; infuse one hour, express the liquor, boil

The Eouelle, for rupturing the oil vessels of citrus fruits

down to Yi pt., cool and add J^ oz. oil of lemon dissolved in 1J-6 pt. alcohol; mix and filter. 3. — Citral, 1 oz.; oil of lemon, 15 oz.; cologne spirit, 3 gal.; water, 2 gal. 4. — Deodorized alcohol, 500 parts; proof spirits, 250 parts; oil of lemon, 100 parts; carbonate of magnesia, 12

Made with