1919 Home made beverages



1. — Coffee syrup, 2pt.; cream, lpt. 2. — Coffee, roasted, }4 lb.; boiling water, 1 gal. Enough is filtered to make J^ gal. of the infusion, to which add granulated sugar, 7 lb. 3. — Ground Java coffee, 2 oz.; simple syrup, 2 fl.oz. Mix and pack in a percolator and add, boiling hot, a mix- ture of loaf sugar, 12 av.oz.; distilled water, 8 fl.oz. To percolate 1 pt. of syrup. 4. — Take of ground, roasted coffee, 4 oz.; boiling water, 2 pt.; sugar (com.), 4 lb. Infuse the coffee in the water until cold, strain, add the sugar and make a syrup. 5. — Take 1 lb. of fresh roasted Java or Mocha coffee and percolate according to the directions of the Phar- macopoeia with the following mixture: Alcohol, 8 oz.; glycerine, 4 oz.; water, 4 oz., and continue the percola- tion with diluted alcohol until 14 ounces have passed. Set this aside and continue the percolation until the coffee is exhausted. Evaporate to 2 ounces and mix with the 14 ounces reserved. This makes a fluid extract of which 1 ounce is sufficient for 1 pint of syrup. 6. — Java coffee, 1 oz.; Mocha coffee, 1 oz.; Rio coffee, 4 oz.; glycerine, 1 fl.oz.; simple syrup, extra heavy, 4J^ pt.; hot water, a sufficient quantity. Roast the coffee, reduce at once to fine powder, moisten with about 7 ounces of hot water with which the glycerine has been mixed. Let stand for 1}^ hours in a very warm place and then percolate until 24 fluid ounces of liquid are obtained. Add to this the syrup. Crab Apple Tonic Sweet cider, 1 gal.; sugar, 7 lb.; extract malt, 4 fl.oz.; solution citric acid, 1J^ fl.oz. Evaporate the cider to 4 pints. In this dissolve the sugar, strain and add the re- maining ingredients. Serve either "solid" or with foam. This syrup is said to yield a drink quite similar to some proprietary syrups, such as champagne mist and kylo. 35

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