1919 Home made beverages


neck being left empty; some alcohol is then poured upon the hot liquid and the bottle is quickly stoppered, the cork being further secured as the liquid cools. The alcohol which evaporates into the empty space is sufficient for the preservation of the juice. The juice of fresh herbs may be preserved in the same manner. This process seems to be an entirely unobjectionable one. It is generally believed that many of the fruit juices as found in the market are usually preserved by means of antiseptics and anti-ferments, such as salicylic acid, boric acid, boroglyceride, sodium sulphite, peroxide of hydro- gen, formaldehyde, etc. Fruit Punch Strawberry syrup, 10 oz.; orange syrup, 10 oz.; pine- apple syrup, 10 oz.; lemon juice, 2 oz. Mix. Use 2 ounces of this syrup to a large glass one-third full of shaved ice, then fill with carbonated water and add a slice of pineapple and some strawberries. 1. — Soluble essence of ginger (N.F.), 3 oz.; tincture of ginger, 1 oz.; syrup, 6 pt.; water, 2 pt. 2. — Take of tincture of ginger, 2 oz.; white sugar, 7 lb. (com.); water, J^ gal. Heat the sugar and water until the sugar is dissolved, raise to the boiling point, then gradually add the tincture of ginger, stirring briskly after each addition. 3. — Six pt. simple syrup, 2 pt. water, 1 oz. tartaric acid, 2 oz. ginger. Burnt sugar to color. 4. — Four oz. extract of Jamaica ginger, 1 gal. syrup. Shake well. A few drops of tincture curcuma to color. 5.— Nine lb. loaf sugar, 5 lb. water, 12 oz. essence ginger, 4 oz. white wine. Boil sugar and water until dissolved and clear. When cool add ginger and wine. Mix well and let settle. 6.— Tincture of ginger, 2 fl.oz.; simple syrup, 4 pt. 7.— Soluble extract of ginger, 2 oz. ; tincture of capsicum, 39 Ginger

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