1919 Home made beverages



4. — Oil of pineapple, 1 dr.; tartaric acid, 1 dr.; simple syrup, 6 pt. 5.— Select a choice pineapple of good quality and ripe. One costing about 30 cents in proper season will make a gallon of syrup. Wash it thoroughly; then with a sharp knife remove the outer skin in a thin peeling. This is dis- carded. Now take a thicker slice from the outside of the fruit, just deep enough to include the eyes, and retain these in one of the pitcher containers. Now slice the re- mainder of the fruit down to the core and retain these shoes in another pitcher. The slices containing the eyes and the core are now passed through the chopper, using the fine knives. A large amount of juice and pulp is obtained. Place in cheese cloth to strain, squeeze the pulp until it is free from juice and reject it. The second slicing is passed through the fine knives of the chopper and mixed with the juice already obtained. To the whole is then added enough rock candy syrup to make a gallon. 6. — Carbonated Pineapple Champagne. — Plain syrup, 42°, 10 gal.; essence of pineapple, 8 dr.; tincture of lemon, 5 oz.; carbonate of magnesia, 1 oz.; liquid saffron, 2J£ oz.; citric-acid solution, 30 oz.; caramel, 2J^ oz. Filter before adding the citric-acid solution and lime juice. Use 2 oz. to each bottle. To }/2 gal. syrup add J^ oz. extract pistachio, J^ oz. essence bitter almond. Condensed milk should be added for dispensing. Prunes Set aside 1 lb. of the best prunes, with water enough to cover them, for several hours and repeat the washing several times. When they are completely washed add V/% pt. of distilled water and gradually heat the whole on sand bath. When the ebullition point is reached boil from 20 to 30 minutes and allow to cool. Place in a suit- able vessel, and with the aid of a spatula make into a Pistachio for Dispensing

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