1919 Home made beverages

— Non-A Icoholic


water, 11 gal.; mix well and when lukewarm add 1 pt. of yeast. After the liquor has fermented for about 24 hours, bottle it. 7. — Water, 16 gal.; boil half, put the water thus boiled to the reserved cold half, which should be previously put into a barrel or other vessel; then add 16 lb. molasses, with a few spoonfuls of the essence of spruee, stirring the whole together; add J^ pt. of yeast, and keep it in a temperate situation with the bunghole open for 2 days, or till fermentation subsides; then close it up or bottle it off, and it will be fit to drink in a few days. White Spruce Beer Five lb. loaf sugar are dissolved in 5 gal. of boiling water, then 2 fl.oz. of spruce are added. When almost cold add a gill of yeast. Place in warm place and after 24 hours strain through a piece of flannel and bottle.


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