1919 Home made beverages

— Non-A Icoholic


If it does not work well, add

bottle, cork very tightly.

a very little more yeast. 3. — Brown sugar, 2 lb.; boiling water, 2 gal.; cream of tartar, 1 oz.; bruised ginger root, 2 oz. Infuse the ginger in the boiling water, add your sugar and cream of tartar; when lukewarm strain; then add J^ pt. good yeast. Let it stand all night; then bottle; if you desire, you can add 1 lemon and the white of an egg to fine it. 4. English. — Water, 3 gal.; pulverized ginger, 3 oz.; sugar, 4 lb.; cream tartar, 4 oz. Boil and when cold add 2 tablespoonfuls of yeast. Allow it to stand over night, then filter and bottle. 5. Fermented. — For a good recipe for fermented ginger beer to put up in stone jugs, take best Jamaica ginger, ground, 1 lb.; tartaric acid, 6 oz.; gum arabic, 1 lb.; oil lemon, J^ oz.; sugar, 21 lb.; water, 21 gal.; yeast J^ pt. Stir the ginger, sugar and water very thoroughly together. Dissolve the gum in sufficient water to give it the consistency of cream; to this add the lemon oil and shake them well together. Add this mixture to the sugar solution. Now stir in the yeast. As soon as a brisk fer- mentation is established, strain through a jelly bag. Let it work for another day or two and then bottle. This will make 20 gal.; you can double or quadruple the propor- tions if you want to make a larger batch. 6. Powder. — a. — Jamaica ginger, powdered, 1 oz.; sodium bicarbonate, 7 oz.; sugar, 1% lb.; oil of lemon, 1 fi.dr. Make into powders. b. — Ginger, bruised, J^ oz.; cream of tartar, ^ oz.; essence of lemon, 4 drops. Mix. Some sugar may be added if it be thought desirable to make the packet look bigger. For use this powder is to be added to 1 gal. of boiling water, in which dissolve 1 lb. of lump sugar, and when the mixture is nearly cool 2 or 3 tablespoonfuls of yeast are to be added. The mixture should be set aside to work for 4 days, when it may be strained and bottled. 72

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