1920 Cocktails (Metropolitan Club Washington DC)

a~=====I G========c=J========l[;l=====~ 5 O ne-quarter French Ve rmouth, one q uarter Ita li an Vermouth, one•half fi .Metropo litan C lub Dry G in , F rappe, ·Rub orange P. Ce l o n edge o f g lass .

7 O ne• th ird Italian -Vermouth , two thirds Club G in, stir with spoon . 10 T h ree fourth s Scotch \.'V'hi skey, one fo urth Y cllow C hartreuse, th ree dash es o f Or,rngc Bitters , st~ r we ll. 12 One jigge r o f Bacard i Rum, JUi ee of one half Lime, Frappe.

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G ordon G in, Frappe. s i x~hn e;~~~:;n F~:~~:u~~r~:~t\h i~~: Jj



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