1920 Down the Hatch

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1 tsp Sugar 1 dash Nutmeg

~ pony cold Seltzer 1 jigger Rye Whiskey

3 pcs Lemon Peel (squeezed) Fill glass with broken ice and pour a little Claret on top, to give more color.


1 tsp Natural Syrup 3 drops Angostura Bitters 6 drops Peyschaud Bitters ~ tsp Curacaio 1 jigger Rye Whiskey 1 lump of Ice Flavor glass with Absinthe after you are thru mixing and put in a cherry. WHISKEY COCKTAIL (Contents for one bottle) 2 jiggers Rock Candy Syrup 1 pony Peyschaud Bitters 1 pony Anisette 1 tsp Bakers Bitters 1 pony Maraschino 1 tsp Cocktail BittBrs 1 pony Angostura Bitters 1 tsp Handy Bitters After mixing all together fill the bottle up with any good Whiskey or Bourbon.


1 tsp Sugar 1 dash Orange Flower Water 1 dash Seltzer 2 tsps Lemon Juice

1 tsp Lime Juice 1 jigger Whiskey i scoop broken Ice 1 white of Egg

1 oz Of Milk Shake well and strain.

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