1920 What to Drink E L Bertha



and cannot retain food, this will tide

If a baby is very ill

it over until a physician can be called and prescribe. Beat the egg white until stiff, stir in the orange juice and then the water. Feed with a spoon.


2 tablespoonfuls of whole flaxseed, i pint of water, i lemon, 2 tablespoonfuls of granulated sugar.

Mix the flaxseed with a little water, adding the remainder of the pint and boil for fifteen minutes. Slice a lemon in a deep bowl and add two tablespoonfuls of granulated sugar. Strain the flaxseed tea boiling hot, over this, stir and allow to stand until cold. Strain again and use in tablespoonful doses. This is used for cold or to relieve an irritated throat. £ pint of milk or water, 1 dessertspoonful of fine oatmeal (ground, not rolled), Salt or sugar. Mix the oatmeal with a little cold water in an enameled saucepan ; add the milk or water boiling hot, and boil for ten minutes, stirring constantly. Strain, pressing as much of the oatmeal through the sieve as possible. Add either salt or sugar as the patient desires. As gruel induces perspiration it is best to take it after one is in bed. This is most satis- factory as an aid in breaking up a cold. INDIAN MEAL GRUEL (YELLOW CORN MEAL) GRUEL (ENGLISH RECIPE)

2 teaspoonfuls of ground Indian corn meal, i pint of water, Sugar, Nutmeg, Cream.

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