1920 What to Drink E L Bertha



Beat the yolks of the eggs until very light, add sugar, cornstarch and salt. Beat into this the scalded milk, place in a double boiler and cook until it will coat the spoon. Remove from the fire and when cold add the cream, vanilla and stiffly beaten whites of the eggs. Pour into a freezer, add the marshmallows and fruit and freeze until firm, then pack and allow to stand for several hours. 4 cupfuls of milk, 2l tablespoonfuls of cornstarch, 2 eggs, f cupfuls of honey, i teaspoonful of vanilla extract, i cupful of chopped fresh cocoanut or shredded cocoanut, Preserved cherries, Milk or water. Blend the cornstarch with a little milk or water and add to the hot milk and stir until it begins to thicken. Add the beaten eggs and honey, cook for a minute or two ; add vanilla and cocoanut. Freeze, serve in attractive tall stemmed goblets; top with cocoanut and cherries. COCOANUT ICE CREAM Heat the milk in a double boiler.

ROSE ICE CREAM (with condensed milk)

2 cans of condensed milk, 3^ cupfuls of water,

2 teaspoonfuls of rose extract, 3 tablespoonfuls of cornstarch, £ cupful of milk, or water, i teaspoonful of vanilla, i teaspoonful of orange extract, Red vegetable coloring.

Mix one can of condensed milk with two cupfuls of water; add the rose extract and enough red vegetable coloring to make the color desired. Strain and freeze.

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